GNP Guia Naghi & Partners The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms
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GNP recognized by The Legal 500, Europe 2021 Edition

We are proud and happy to have been ranked by The Legal 500 Directory in the EU/Competition Legal Rankings for 2021 Europe Edition, as a Tier 2 law firm. Legal 500 notes that GNP lawyers “have a top reputation for competition matters forged at larger full-service firms. Antitrust


GNP recognized by Chambers and Partners Legal Rankings

We are proud to have been recognized by Chambers and Partners as leading specialists in Competition/Antitrust Legal Rankings for Romania. Manuela Guia is still going strong as Band 1, while Bianca Naghi ranks in Band 4. GNP Guia Naghi and Partners is ranked among the top law firms in Competition/Antitrust in


European Court of Justice, competition infringements

By Cătălina Burcă-Andonie In response to the Hungarian Supreme Court which advanced a request for a preliminary ruling, on 2 April 2020, the European Court of Justice delivered its judgment in case C ‑ 228/18 (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal v Budapest Bank Nyrt. Ea). The main proceedings concern an old 1996