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Roxana Barica – EDPB’s report on chatGPT Taskforce

Until 15 February 2024, OpenAI did not have an establishment in the European Union. Insofar, as no cooperation procedures according to the One-Stop-Shop (hereinafter “OSS”) mechanism under the GDPR could apply, the EDPB decided to establish a taskforce to foster cooperation and exchange information on


Sabina Vasile – Autoritatea de supraveghere a unui stat membru poate ordona, din oficiu, ștergerea datelor personale prelucrate ilegal

Prin hotărârea sa din 14 martie 2024, Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene („CJUE”) a soluționat cauza C‑46/23, aducând clarificări cu privire la obligațiile pe care dreptul la ștergerea datelor le impune în sarcina operatorilor de date cu caracter personal. În sensul celor de mai sus,


Ioana Stoica – RTB in GDPR

In today's digital age, the intersection of advertising technology and privacy regulations has become a focal point. At the heart of this convergence is programmatic advertising, a sophisticated realm of digital marketing that relies heavily on user data. This article delves into the intricacies of


Ioana Stoica – Is there any overlap between the Omnibus Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation?

The Omnibus Directive 2019/2161 (“the Directive”), part of the European Union's “New Deal for Consumers” initiative, amended several legal acts in order to modernize and strengthen consumer protection existing legislation. The General Data Protection Regulation (“the GDPR”) sets out the rules for collecting, storing, and


GDPR and Web Cookies

More and more data protection authorities are concerned about the topic of cookies and other web trackers. The French authority